Our Mission

To provide exceptional community association management services that enhance the value and livability of our clients' properties.

We believe in the people who make up their communities and believe that in order to be successful you need to factor into those people’s wants and needs. Every community is different, and those distinctions make your community special not only to you but to us as well. We like to take a personalized approach with each community to make sure our services match the Associations’ wants and needs accordingly.

Our Services

We are a full-service association company! But we also offer financial only, project management services, consulting services, as well as a friendly ear. Let us know what you are looking for any we will let you know if we can help.

Please reach out for pricing.

Emergency Services

If you are experiencing any crime in progress (robbery, burglary, prowler, fights) please contact 911 immediately. Any type of fire (structure, vehicle, brush, etc.) please contact 911 immediately. A vehicle collision, especially if someone may be injured or if you or someone you care for feels risk. Please contact 911 immediately.

For other property related emergencies such as fire, flood, or injury please contact us at TLC immediately by dialing 925-954-7932

For non-emergency maintenance requests please reach out via your online portal or the button to the right called Maintenance Request. 

If it is not an emergency question, please email using the button to the right called Questions.